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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quick and Easy Fueling Food of the Month: Quinoa and Lentils

I may be a proponent of consuming more whole foods and less processed foods, but I am REALISTIC too. Just like you, I have days where I am lucky if I have 20 minutes free for lunch. What do I do? I put together something that's convenient and healthy.

Yesterday's lunch was microwaveable Quinoa and Brown Rice from Seeds of Change with Tasty Bite's Jodhpur Lentils over it. Neither product has harmful ingredients. And this meal was perfect for fueling my run. It gave me 12 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber. Quinoa and lentils are both great for sustaining energy as complex carbohydrates. The seasonings are great natural anti-inflammatories too. With processed food, you have to be careful about sodium content. I usually look for products with less than 500 mg of sodium (or less than 20% RDA). The lentils had 460 mg of sodium and the quinoa had 400 mg. Here's the trick though: each package equals two servings so I had half of each...and saved the other half for today's lunch! I should also note that I DID NOT microwave these in their packages because I did not want harmful  xenoestrogens to leach into my food, especially because I am breastfeeding! I use glass pyrex dishes for microwaving and never microwave plastic for this reason!

If you have quick and healthy lunch ideas like this, email them to me at shannonlynn.nutritionATgmail.com and I will feature them on my blog!