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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fight Depression with a Mediterranean Diet

So often people ask me what type of diet I follow. My eating style certainly doesn't fit "neatly" into any category, but if I had to classify it, I would have to say that it is a combination of clean and Mediterranean. I consume an abundance of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, and olives are my friends!

It makes perfect sense that the Mediterranean Diet helps fight depression. It is an extremely balanced and healthy way to eat. Naturally, if your diet is balanced and healthy, you feel more balanced mentally. Trust me, I know. Run into me after a few days of not eating optimally; I am not the most pleasant person (you can ask my husband!!). Also, monounsaturated fats are high in the Mediterranean Diet and these fats are shown to be excellent for brain health. STAY TUNED FOR "MY FAVORITE FATS" series. In 2010, I will be contributing at least one blog a month on my favorite fats. Why? Because many of you are afraid of fats; I once was too. Not anymore; I couldn't imagine my life without them. You'll learn why next year!

Meanwhile, check out this summary about the study that explored the connection between the Mediterranean Diet and Depression:

Mediterranean Diet Helps Prevent Depression
The benefits of eating the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular disease risk are well known. Now it appears that adhering to this dietary pattern also may prevent incidence of depression. Researchers at University Las Palmas in Spain followed 10,094 individuals for four years who, at study entry, were not depressed. Those people who adhered the most to the Mediterranean diet through the study period had a 30-percent lower incidence of depression than individuals who did not. The Mediterranean diet consists of low meat intake, moderate intake of alcohol and dairy products, and high intake of fruits, nuts, vegetables, cereals, and fish. The researchers found dose-response relationships for fruits and nuts, the monounsaturated-to-saturated fats ratio, and legume intake.Archives of General Psychiatry 2009;66:1090-1098.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Powerful Parsley!

Are you looking for a quick antioxidant kick and aren't the biggest veggie lover on the planet? Great news!! Consuming parsley is just as good for you as those leafy greens you often hear me preach about (kale, boy choy, collards, and arguula). Parsley is high in Vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate. Perhaps more important is the fact that parsley contains volatile oils and flavonoids, which protect our cells against oxidative damage. We could all use this protection. All of us are exposed to toxins on a daily basis (thanks to industrialization and processed foods) and these toxins damage our cells. We also create stress on our cells by doing healthy things, like exercising!

Try parsley in your diet today! It's great with fish and poultry. Awesome in soups! I have even used it as a "main green" in my salads!